recover backup from banwagong
i've ever built my own blog by Wordpress and VPS folowing the the tutorial how to build a website with wordpress and vps.but it was easilly to being attacked by hacker.enventually my host suspended,it only recover until next year. the situation like following:lucky,the biggest strenth of the bangwagong is that it has the snapshot,it can help you to recover it when it is necessary,so i am gonna to restore it ,but i was forbbien to that,and gimme the hint:the host has been suspended. i cant wait to repair my blog ,so i just abandon the preview blog built by worldpress and VPS and turn my head to the Jekyll and github-page method. but how about i want use the picture,the post i written before,i’ve ever try to download the backup and unzip it ,and it turns out
the file with the suffix of the folowing:
the above file with the suffix of .dsk can not be opened in windows,it really bother me ,finnlly ,i find the tutorial: get reletive file from banwagong.let us kick off.
NOTE: the .disk file can only be opened in linux system
download the .tar.gz snapshot file from vps. and use the scp
command to copy the .tar.gz from the pc to linux[it depends what OS you use,u can ignore this process if you download derectly in linux].and use tar
command to uncompress the file,and get the vm-1234xxx.disk
check out which dev is unoccupied by the comand losetup -f
you will find some unoccupied dev like :
Create device maps from partition tables by
losetup /dev/loop18 vm-1234xxx.disk
Kpartx -av /dev/loop18
you will get the output:
add map loop18p1
add map loop18p2
checkout where your data locate by the commanf mount
,for example ,mount the loop18p2 to the /mnt folder by the mount /dev/mapper/loop18p2 /mnt
all set,you will finally find the file you want to get in /mnt folder.
unmount the mirror file with follow command:unmount /mnt
kpartx -dv /dev/loop18
losetup -d /dev/loop18