Select static DLL in MFC Configration in Properties
recently,i creat a dll in my project ,then i use it in my project,and in packed it finally,i run the project normally,but it doest work when i tranfer the project to another computer ,it bother me a lot ,fistly i sue the Depency tool to synasies it so that i can check out whether it miss some mandetory dll dependcy,but it doest miss anything.
The size of dll is wired
then i campare the last one dll i create to the before i found ,my dll size is so small,how could it be ?
locate the problem
i check out the project propersit setting --->configration properity-->general-->use dll in MFC
i found i select ` use the share dll in mfc,that is the problem it is ,when you select
use the share dll in mfc `,the excutable file doest contain the dll dependency,so it is small
right click the project -propersit setting —>configration properity–>general–>use dll in MFC,select use mfc as static dll
problem solved!!!