A way i use to uplode locate file to remote repo

less than 1 minute read


  you can write a article directly in github,but waht if there are many picture you need in your artical,it is fussy to add image into your artical,you have to uplode a picture to a folder,then use its refrence.you have to commit it again and again.there a method i use which make you get a screenshot picture,Let us jump in….


  • VS code+Markdown
  • Vmwarware workstation,Ubuntu
  • GIt
  • STEP 1

    use git --versin see if you have install the git
    use git clone **your own reposority URL**
    jump into your clone folder in local
    use git init
    use git remote add origin "your repository URL"

    open the vamvare -> option->share folder like following: vm

    STEP 2

    creat a article yourposrt.md in the shared folder

    STEP 3

    move the shared folder to your reposority derectory

    SETP 4


    git add "your post"

    git commit -m "something"

    git push origin master

    then put your username and user password

